Tom and Kyle Appear on Inside The Eye Live with The Fetch

Dennis Fetcho is the host of the popular alternative media broadcast Inside The Eye – Live! on Revolution Radio and invited Tom and Kyle to talk about their recent film, in addition to other important issues. This is intelligent media for the politically aware.

From Fetch’s write-up:

Both Kyle Hunt and Tom Goodrich have been very busy promoting what is an excellent effort in Hellstorm: The Real Genocide of Nazi Germany, but we learned in this interview that Tom Goodrich is a former main stream media personality who, having “crossed the line” and raised issues in Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947, has found that all of his access and work within the main stream media has “dried up”.

Tom described working on hundreds of projects and stations in the mainstream media, including talking head positions with National Geographic, PBS, and others. However, Tom mentioned that, having become a “pariah” within the Jewish controlled media and lost all of his work, that he is very happy to have joined the side of truth and contributing his time and efforts to help bring about a new paradigm through smashing the foundation of lies upon which the current paradigm has been built.

. . . read the rest

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