The German Version of Hellstorm is Now Available

HÖLLENSTURM – Der Tod Deutschlands – 1944-1947

Egal, was du ueber den zweiten WK gelesen oder in Filmen gesehen hast, was dir darueber erzaehlt worden ist, was du darueber dachtest…du musst es vergessen! Mache dich mit der Wahrheit jener Jahre vertraut, die 70 Jahre lange zusammen mit den ehrlichen Menschen eingekerkert war. Nun, zum ersten mal seit 70 Jahren, werde gewahr, was Deine Eltern und Grosseltern durchgemacht haben. Dies ist deren Geschichte, die sie aus Angst vor den Juden geheimhielten.

Millionen vergewaltigt…Millionen ermordet…Millionen gefoltert…Millionen versklavt

[Hellstorm – The Real Genocide of Nazi Germany] – Thomas Goodrich & Kyle Hunt

Thank you to everyone involved in putting together this German version, complete with German narration and voice overs. Let’s get this to as many Germans around the world as possible!

10 thoughts on “The German Version of Hellstorm is Now Available

  1. Die Zukunft hat angefangen….der Geist ist aus der Flasche…Ende der Epoche der Luegengeschichten.
    Dornroeschen, ERWACHE!

    Someone let the genie out of the bottle! To hell with the LIES of the ALL-LIES!
    Iron eagle arise!

    L’esprit hors de la bouteille
    La fin de l’epoque des mensonges. Sors de la bouteille !
    Il vaincra celui qui hors de la bouteille
    Salue comme une plume. Ah !
    Grand aigle de mer, fraîcheur, ô Toi jour !
    Fraîcheur de la rosée.

  2. Watching helmstorm brings to life the truths I was taught from my early years by my father of silessian bloodline who was a soldier driving the russians back on the battlefields. You are telling agreat truth here my uncle whom I will never meet a school master in silessia when the Russian soldiers came. He was brought into the school yard with his wife and 2 young daughters , my uncle Rudolph (Robert) was then shot in all his limbs and his head held to watch as the soldiers smashed his dauvhters heads open on the playground wheile other soldiers repeatedly raped his wife, Rudolph was left to bleed out my auntie was shot. I will not apologise if this truth is too much for people.

  3. Have known this for a while. WW2 is my lifetime hobby. The allied Governments of both wars have a lot to answer for as well as the film makers and newspapers.

  4. Ein großes Dankeschön für diese Dokumentation, für Ihren Mut sie zu machen und dem Himmelschreienden Unrecht eine klare Antwort zu geben. Was Recht ist muß Recht bleiben und aus Unrecht kann kein Recht entstehen. Wir alle wissen, daß dieses dem Deutschen Volk angetane Unrecht nicht gesühnt werden kann, man lud sich eine zu große Schuld auf! Sie wissen schließlich selbst am Besten, daß all ihre Lügen und Anschuldigungen Erstunken und Erlogen sind. Deshalb: Laßt uns diese Dokumentation verteilen wie die Natur im Frühling das Leben…Verschwenderisch! Laßt uns alle, die Gerechtigkeit und Völkerverständigung lieben und leben, die Hände reichen…der “Obrigkeit” zum Trotz! Über alle Grenzen hinweg mögen die Ehrlichen und Gerechten Menschen für immer in Frieden miteinander leben! Den Lügnern und Unterdrückern wünsche ich 1000 Leben lang miserablen Sex. Mögen Sie Gelegenheit finden über ihre Taten nachzudenken und mindestens a u f z u h ö r e n mit der schändlichen Lügerei.
    Sorry Everyone for Typing this in German, but my English is too bad. Surely You may have a Program or Someone who can read this for You. Let’s give us our Hands in Friendship and Everlasting Peace!!!

    1. I’m so desperately sorry for the part my country played in this horror.

      They told us we were the good guys and this was a good war. We knew nothing about this crime inflicted on you, our Saxon-blood brothers.

      We must never, ever allow them to cause us to fight each other again. They know this and seek to destroy us with the biological weapon known as 3rd world immigrants m, filthy lies and disgusting pornography, the only thing they can really create.

      We are one family and my love for you is eternal.

    2. Thank you for this work. The truth finally. Men’s insane inhumanity against it’s own kind. Words can’t describe the evil in people to torture and cause so much unbelievable pain. Horrendous, Hellstorm, evil to the core, OMG

  5. Queens 250 years of Chinese Opium Drug Pushing’s Money Laundering Rothschild Bankers that Money Laundered her sales in China via HSBC Bank in Hong Kong funded MI-6 secret agent Hitler to ruin Germany and scare all the Poor Jews into moving to Israel. So the Holycost was pumped up really big on TV and Newspapers after the war so all the poor Jews would think that if they stayed in Europe another World War III would kill them too. So then they would want to go live in a sand flea infested sand dune with no way to grow crops and no where to go and nobody to sell stuff to like in NYC. go figure…

  6. I really hope more and more germans can learn the truth about WW2 and rise up in rage at what was done to their country and people.The enemy has gone to extraordinary lengths to keep germans in the dark and keep them perpetually guilty over the holohoax by pounding the lies into their heads through the media and educational system.They want generation after generation of germans to be inculcated with the same lies to ensure their continued compliance and the enemy’s continued enrichment and Immunity from accountability.To quote the late great ernst zundel,germany must get off its knees and recover its own dignity.The germans must stop feeling guilty for and stop doing penance for an event that never happened.Rather,they should get angry about what DID happen to their own people during and after the war and demand rightful acknowledgment and compensation.If that means being “antisemitic” then so be it.We now know hitler was right and should be praised as a true hero and patriot,not denounced as a genocidal monster.The most important thing is overcoming the fear of the smear.Don’t be afraid to speak out for fear of being called “antisemite” or “neo-nazi”.Germany is still not free.They remain under allied occupation and are still being kept in line through intimidation and deceit.

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